Integrative medical approach to the antimicrobial resistance problem

Homeopathy as an effective solution against antibiotic resistance ÖGVH President Dr Petra Weiermayer calls for an integrative medical approach in the fight against antibiotic resistance. Vienna (OTS) –  The problem of Antibiotic-resistant bacteria is huge: according to expert estimates, antibiotic resistance could cost more lives than cancer by 2050 – if no action is taken. “This…

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Roadmap for action on Antimicrobial Resistance

As a member of the AMR stakeholder network EUROCAM works on tackling AMR together. In the roadmap, 5 key strategies are formulated to tackle this global health threat because we must act now! Superbugs cost the lives of nearly 90 people every day in the EU and the EEA. A serious threat to patient safety,…

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More homeopathy, less antibiotic resistance?

Bavarian Parliament decides to conduct a study to clarify this issue “The state government is requested to conduct a study to investigate or have investigated how a reduced use of antibiotics can be achieved in the medical field. The role of alternative medical methods will also be examined. In this context, a possible positive role…

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