Homeopathy Research
Up-to-date overviews of homeopathy research can be found at:
Homeopathy Research Institute, United Kingdom
- Essential evidence including clinical and experimental research.
- Full list of peer-reviewed, placebo-controlled RCTs of homeopathic treatment.
- University in Bern, Institute of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Classical Homeopathy
International Homeopathic Medical League LMHI and the Italian Federation of Homeopathic Associations and Homeopaths FIAMO
WissHom - Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Homöopathie - Scientific Society for Homeopathy, Germany
Faculty of Homeopathy, United Kingdom
- Basic science research
- Clinical outcomes studies
- Randomised controlled trials
- RCTs on individualised homeopathy
- Research
- Safety and cost-effectiveness studies
- Systematic reviews
- Veterinary research
Carstens-Stiftung, Germany
- A free database portal for complementary medicine, naturopathy and homeopathy.