Help empower EUROCAM advocate for sustainable and patient centred healthcare for all

Please donate to support Complementary and Integrative Medicine

Together we can achieve a significant political presence within the EU. Help empower EUROCAM advocate for sustainable and patient-centred healthcare for all EUROCAM advocates for:

  • Your freedom to choose Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
  • Highlighting the scope and potential of CAM to key politicians and policymakers so that CAM is fully taken into account when the policy is formulated.
  • CAM's role in promoting personal health and well-being.

EUROCAM runs on a shoestring budget. With your generous contribution, EUROCAM can continue helping everybody who wishes to use Complementary and Integrative Medicine for a healthier life.

Thank you for your gift, it is highly appreciated!

EUROCAM's team

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Another way to give:

Bank transfer to EUROCAM's bank account

Name:             EUROCAM
Bank account: NL43 TRIO 0338 5411 95
Address:          Sweelincklaan 2
6815 BH ARNHEM, Netherlands.

BIC Code Triodos Bank:  TRIONL2U.

With reference: donation and your name.

For questions please contact: