More homeopathy, less antibiotic resistance?

Bavarian Parliament decides to conduct a study to clarify this issue

“The state government is requested to conduct a study to investigate or have investigated how a reduced use of antibiotics can be achieved in the medical field. The role of alternative medical methods will also be examined. In this context, a possible positive role of homeopathic preparations administered in addition should also be examined.”

On 07.11.2019 120 MPs voted “Yes” to this motion, which had been submitted to the ‘Landtag’ in August 2019, but 47 were opposed In the run-up to the vote, the Health Committee had already given its positive vote. This means that public funds are now being made available for a clinical study to clarify whether complementary medicine can help to reduce the use of antibiotics. Homeopathy plays a special role in this context and is mentioned by name in the application as the only method.

The background

The WHO has declared antibiotic resistance a serious global threat and is pushing for strategies to improve prescription practice. Every year in German hospitals alone about 1000 – 1500 people die from infections with multi-resistant germs. There is, therefore, an urgent need for action. Antibiotics are indispensable for some diseases, such as blood poisoning. Others, according to the Bavarian state parliament, could possibly be replaced by homeopathic remedies. This question can be answered by appropriate research. For example, a study on upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), especially in children, would be useful. Pre-school children suffer on average six to eight times a year from URTIs. A survey showed that 46% of all children with URTIs were prescribed antibiotics. If bronchitis is diagnosed, this proportion rises to 75%.


Read the whole article at the Carstens-Stiftung website

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