Homeopathy and intellectual honesty, a commentary

In view of the lack of plausibility regarding the principles of homeopathy, it has become fashionable to deny its therapeutic efficacy, although the evidence published on this subject suggests that it is effective. Nevertheless, scientific misinformation is being launched as an expression of ignorance or deliberate propaganda against homeopathy. The publication  “Homeopathy and Intellectual Honesty.…

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Establishment of chairs for Integrative Medicine in Germany

The CSU parliamentary group has taken the initiative to establish at the Bavarian universities a chair for Integrative Medicine/Naturopathy in order to further strengthen research in this field. The CSU Group would also like to work to increase research funding in this area. With this initiative, the politicians are reacting to the growing interest of…

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World Integrative Medicine Forum 2019, update

24 & 25 January 2019, the Indian government sponsored the Wimforum meeting for the second time. The mission of the World Integrative medicine Forum is to further develop evidence-based Traditional and Integrated Systems of Medicine by promoting public-private co-operation. The theme this year was the regulation of homeopathic medicines. The regulation of homeopathic medicinal products…

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Today, 4 February World Cancer Day

Today, on World Cancer Day is the launch of the 3-year Campaign on the theme ‘I am and I will’. It is all about your story and your commitment. More than 1.75 million people die from cancer in Europe every year, i.e. a quarter of all deaths. Cancer cost the EU €126 billion in 2009,…

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Integrative veterinary medicine: A discipline to be taken seriously

The Austrian Chamber of Veterinarians is committed to integrative and complementary veterinary medicine. With a statement, the Chamber creates awareness among public and colleagues. In order to anchor integrative medicine more firmly in the hands of veterinarians, better framework conditions are needed. The published list of requirements shows which support measures must be taken –…

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EUROCAM’s letter to the Spanish Minister of Health

Dear Minister, Dra. María Luisa Carcedo Roces, EUROCAM has been notified about your proposal to introduce regulations on Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in Spain. We would like to bring to your attention information about CAM for you to consider in the context of these proposed regulations. This information includes the legal and regulatory status of…

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Complementary and Alternative Medicines at stake in Spain

In Spain, the practice of Complementary and Alternative Medicine is at stake. It started two months ago when 400 Spanish medical doctors and scientists signed an open letter calling for action against, as they call it, ‘pseudo-science’. This initiative was in response to two patients who chose to treat their cancer with CAM and deceased…

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