World Integrative Medicine Forum 2019, update

24 & 25 January 2019, the Indian government sponsored the Wimforum meeting for the second time. The mission of the World Integrative medicine Forum is to further develop evidence-based Traditional and Integrated Systems of Medicine by promoting public-private co-operation.

The theme this year was the regulation of homeopathic medicines. The regulation of homeopathic medicinal products is highly variable worldwide, ranging at a national level from highly advanced to none whatsoever. The potential benefits of regulatory collaboration and harmonization for patients and global markets are significant, but supranational collaboration is advancing only slowly due to highly disparate national situations.

There is a tension between different regulatory needs: on the one hand there is a need for standardization, harmonization and reducing complexity; on the other hand, there is a need for a pluralistic regulatory system, which respects the specific characteristics of homeopathy as a holistic, patient-centred medical system. This forum will explore and illustrate the potential benefits and pitfalls of bi-lateral/multilateral collaboration and advance global cooperation on a synergistic basis.

It was explained how in several countries such as India, Nicaragua, Brazil, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Cuba good progress has been made towards efficient regulation of homeopathic medicines. Particularly India stands out for having organised a health system where modern medicine and traditional and alternative medicines cooperate for the better of the patients

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