The Karl and Veronica Carstens Foundation is launching a free database portal for Complementary Medicine, Naturopathy, and Homeopathy. In total, 96,000 items of scientific literature can be searched for free, among them more than 30,000 clinical research papers and more than 9,000 basic research publications. Anyone planning a research paper or a thesis in complementary medicine or intending to have an overview of the current evidence will now have free access to what is probably the largest data collection in this field in Europe.
The four databases on this database portal for Complementary Medicine, Naturopathy, and Homeopathy are:
- CAM-quest, with 96,000 documents, containing articles, theses, and contributions of out-of-print anthologies and conference proceedings from the field of International Complementary Medicine and Naturopathy.
- HomBRex (Homeopathic Basic Research experiments), the only scientific database worldwide, providing detailed information on experimental parameters. This database contains 2,200 experiments dealing with basic research in homeopathy.
- CORE-Hom (Clinical Outcome REsearch in Homeopathy) with 1,200 randomized double-blind trials, observational studies, outcome studies and larger case studies.
The new database can be found on the portal of Carstens Stiftung.
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