EUROCAM Aims, objectives and actions


The main aim of EUROCAM is to achieve a significant political presence within the EU so as to influence the decision making of the European Commission, European Parliament, Council of the EU and the Member States to support and provide the means for the integration of CAM into European healthcare systems as well as to fund research into its benefits and cost-effectiveness. This collaboration recognises the stated wish of the EU institutions and its citizens to deal with the CAM sector as a whole. 


  • Highlighting the scope and potential of CAM to key politicians and policymakers so that CAM is fully taken into account when the policy is formulated.
  • Establishing the (added) value of CAM for relevant EU policies and programmes mirroring the Health in All Policies agenda.
  • Demonstrating the value of patient-focused and cost-effective treatments via CAM services and products.
  • Demonstrating to health and finance authorities that CAM can deliver significant benefit in terms of health economics.


  • Engagement in the development of EU policies relating to public health, animal health, healthcare and research at all levels of the social and political context.
  • Involvement and participation in relevant EU programmes.
  • Advocacy work at EU and national level in pursuit of the stated aim and objectives of EUROCAM (see above).
  • Strengthening the co-operation and purpose of CAM stakeholders in pursuit of these stated aim and objectives.
  • Cooperation with like-minded NGOs and other relevant organisations.
  • Seeking access to EU funding wherever feasible.