Our support team

EUROCAM is supported by dedicated professionals.


Elisa Baldini, Chair



Drs Ing Wim Menkveld, treasurer

Wim Menkveld is a (retired) business expert with years of experience in the financial sector. Within EUROCAM he represents the European Federation of Homepathic Patient Associations, EFHPA. He is co-founder and since 2003 a board member of this organisation.

He is also treasurer of the Royal Homeopathy Association of the Netherlands. He has many years of administrative experience, including as a board member of Landscape Management Netherlands


Miranda Ruchtie, operations manager and communication advisor

Miranda is an experienced communication professional and media specialist. She works freelance for EUROCAM and several other organisations in the Netherlands.

She is Policy Officer for the ECCH and former chair of the Dutch association of professional homeopaths for animals BKHD.

She previously had a long-time career as senior executive producer for several Dutch production companies and broadcasters.


Dr Ton Nicolai, Honorary Secretary-General

Ton Nicolai is a medical doctor with experience in both conventional medicine and several CAM disciplines.

He served on the boards of national, European and worldwide organisations, over the last few years as Secretary-General of EUROCAM.

He received several awards for his international work.