Partner news
Anthroposophic Medicine from a patient’s perspective
A description of Anthroposophic Medicine from a patient’s perspective. Anthroposophic healthcare is health care Anthroposophic healthcare is a useful addition to regular healthcare, with which it maintains numerous connections. You do not have to share the methodological background of doctors and therapists to benefit from it; anthroposophic medicine works equally well with people who know…
Read MoreDAKOMED interviewed EUROCAM’s Secretary-General
Dr Ton Nicolai, EUROCAM’s Secretary-General is the founder, spokesman, chairman and lobbyist of the relatively young EUROCAM Foundation. All European umbrella organisations working in the field of CAM have been united under the umbrella of EUROCAM for more than six years. In this interview with Dakomed, the 71-year-old Dutch physician reveals why EUROCAM is needed.…
Read MoreECHAMP calls on MEPs
ECHAMP calls on MEPs to support initiatives in favour of homeopathic and anthroposophic medicinal products Homeopathic and anthroposophic medicinal products have been safely on the market in Europe for decades. The specific EU legislation for homeopathic medicinal products has deep roots in their broad use in the EU Member States and is based on the…
Read MoreThe effectiveness of Anthroposophic Arts Therapy for anxiety in adult women
A randomised controlled trial led by Annemarie Abbing, together with Dr Erik W. Baars, Leo de Sonnelville, Anne Ponstein and Hanna Swaab concerning “The Effectiveness of Anthroposphic Art Therapy for anxiety in Adult women” has been published in the esteemed Psychology Journal: Frontiers in Psychology. Link to the article.
Read MoreHomeopathy and intellectual honesty, a commentary
In view of the lack of plausibility regarding the principles of homeopathy, it has become fashionable to deny its therapeutic efficacy, although the evidence published on this subject suggests that it is effective. Nevertheless, scientific misinformation is being launched as an expression of ignorance or deliberate propaganda against homeopathy. The publication “Homeopathy and Intellectual Honesty.…
Read MoreEstablishment of chairs for Integrative Medicine in Germany
The CSU parliamentary group has taken the initiative to establish at the Bavarian universities a chair for Integrative Medicine/Naturopathy in order to further strengthen research in this field. The CSU Group would also like to work to increase research funding in this area. With this initiative, the politicians are reacting to the growing interest of…
Read MoreWorld Integrative Medicine Forum 2019, update
24 & 25 January 2019, the Indian government sponsored the Wimforum meeting for the second time. The mission of the World Integrative medicine Forum is to further develop evidence-based Traditional and Integrated Systems of Medicine by promoting public-private co-operation. The theme this year was the regulation of homeopathic medicines. The regulation of homeopathic medicinal products…
Read MoreNovember 15, Symposium Dakomed on topic AMR
Within the framework of the European Antibiotic Awareness Week, Dakomed, the Swiss umbrella organisation for complementary medicine organises a public evening event on November 15 in Bern, where the possibilities of CAM to avoid antibiotic resistance will be presented. Dakomed will claim for more research, national fundings and being reconsidered in official guidelines. The symposium will be…
Read MoreAnthroposophic treatment in Swiss children’ hospital
September 28, Anthroposophic treatments in Swiss children’s hospital improved care without increasing cost Integrating anthroposophic treatments into conventional care for hospitalised children can improve results from the perspective of both parents and clinicians without adding to costs, according an implementation report involving children suffering from respiratory illnesses in Fribourg Hospital, Switzerland. read more…
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