Our Executive Committee

Elisa Baldini - Chair
Elisa is a specialist in EU Advocacy, who holds a Masters in International Relations and an Executive Masters in EU Project Management. She has previously worked for the Christian Blind Mission, Plan International and Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders, in roles focusing on the health and education sectors as well as on the EU budget. From 2011 to 2014, Elisa was a member of the European Network Action for Global Health.
She is the secretary General at International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical Associations IVAA.

Drs B.W. Groot - Treasurer
After studying political science and facility management, Wieneke held several positions, such as staff member for the Executive Board of ROC A12, advisor on key performance indicators at the Free University and later as an independent advisor in organisational development.
Since 2013, she has supported various anthroposophical therapeutics with advice and action, was a member of the Gelderland Provincial Council and chairing supervisor of the Voortgezet Vrijeschoolonderwijs Noord-Holland Foundation and a member of the supervisory board at the Pallas foundation. She is currently a director of the Kindertherapeuticum Zeist and a supervisor at Non-nobis, an anthroposophic foundation for social real estate.
As a director, she was associated with De Nieuwe Band, a purchasing cooperative of organic dry goods, from 2017 to 2021. She was involved in the reorganisation and transfer to cooperative Odin.
She is also the International Coordinator of Patient Movements at the Medical Section (IKAM) in Dornach and President of the European Federation of Anthroposophical Patient Movements in Europe.
In her spare time remaining, she conducts the intergenerational choir Decades Arnhem and is an elder at the Lutheran Church in Arnhem.

Edward De Beukelaer DVM, MRCVS, VetHom
Edward is a veterinary surgeon who worked in France and now the UK. His main interests are Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Integrative Medicine. He owns a veterinary practice in the UK where he strives to combine the best of conventional, traditional and complementary medicine.
Edward is also a board member for the European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH).

Adrianne Waldt
Adrianne works as a pain nurse and acupuncturist in a conventional hospital in Belgium, emphasising personalised care and education to enhance patients’ health and well-being by engaging them in their treatment. She conducted clinical research and is passionate about integrating evidence-based theories into practice. She is vice president of the Belgian Acupunctors Federation (BAF) and the Head of Advocacy of the European Traditional Chinese Medicine Association (ETCMA).
After completing her advanced Masters in International Relations and Diplomacy, partly undertaken at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, she worked in international affairs for the Red Cross. In this role, she delivered guest lectures at various institutes and universities, developed publications and organised training courses.
Adrianne is also the coordinator of the MEP Interest Group on Integrative Care and Sustainable Health of EUROCAM

Zofia Dymitr
Zofia has a private homeopathy practice in the UK. She has an MSc in Integrated Healthcare, and a Diploma in Supervision. Zofia has contributed to the development of the UK homeopathy profession over thirty-two years in a range of roles including three terms as Chair of the UK Society of Homeopaths. She is currently Vice Chair of the European Central Council of Homeopaths with a special interest in promoting the development of high standards in the patient interest. Publications include Economic evaluations of Homeopathy : a review ( European Journal of Health Economics, 2013 ) and A Qualitative Investigation of Provers' Experiences of Participation in Homeopathic Pathogenic Trials (Homeopathy, 2020). Zofia is also a member of the British Acupuncture Accreditation Board.
Our Support Team

Rebecca de Beukelaer - External communications
Rebecca previously ran her own tech company for 6 years, gaining business and marketing knowledge. She is currently B2B marketing manager at the top 1% tech company in the UK, and has been the communication and marketer at The European Committee for Homeopathy (ECH) since 2021.
She now leads the external communications at EUROCAM.

Lina Lasithiotaki - Operations and secretariat
Lina Lasithiotaki has a postgraduate degree in Organic Farming, specialising in Marketing & Consumer Behaviour from Wageningen University in the Netherlands. She lived in Belgium where she collaborated with different European organisations.
Lina worked for Demeter-International dealing with biodynamic agriculture and participated in the implementation of different European projects. She also worked for the International Federation of Anthroposophical Medical Associations (IVAA) and the European Alliance for Anthroposophy (ELIANT) until 2018, promoting the values of anthroposophy through different activities in Brussels. By participating and organising various seminars, she had the opportunity to travel in several countries and be inspired by the uniqueness and beauty of each country.