Anthroposophic Medicine from a patient’s perspective

A description of Anthroposophic Medicine from a patient’s perspective.

Anthroposophic healthcare is health care

Anthroposophic healthcare is a useful addition to regular healthcare, with which it maintains numerous connections. You do not have to share the methodological background of doctors and therapists to benefit from it; anthroposophic medicine works equally well with people who know nothing about it.

Anthroposophic medicine looks differently at illness and treatment. There is a lot of attention for preventing and understanding illness as an integral part of life, and its meaning for the human being as a whole, as well as special emphasis on supporting the self-healing capacity of the body. For many people, this is a reason to consciously opt for anthroposophic healthcare and medicine.

Anthroposophic patients’ organisations in Europe

Within the anthroposophic patients’ movement the emphasis is not on diseases but on supporting people to stay healthy or become healthy again. These associations represent the interests of their members and aim to make or keep anthroposophic healthcare available for everybody seeking its products and services.

Read more on the IVAA website

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